NC/DALC/0631: Construction of stock proof fence at Waterfall 40km South of Kimberley

1.The Bright future412 (Pty) Ltd   R997 500.00

2.Tsaone Trading JV                   R756 760.00

3.GND Construction                   R612 736.71

4.Sebedisan Construction           R773 567.11


5.Revamp Handyman                R860 000.00

6.Tue Trusted Logistics             R298 000.00

7.Lebo Tebo Trading & Projects R592 000.00

8.A.I Hendricks                       R976 208.00

9.SA Fence & Gate (Pty) Ltd      R2 487 217.07

10.Plaatjies Enterprise Pty Ltd    R577 011.00

11.Hyman Masterfence             R1 097 568.00

12.Lee Dee Trading & Projects   R1 536 030.07

13.Derah Trading Enterprise Pty Ltd      R327 400.00



NC/DALC/0628: Supply, delivery and installation of solar powered pumps at farms

1.EMC Electrical Reticulation R457 676.37

2.Blueplat cc        No Price

3.Elsotouch Pty Ltd        R29 823 290.40

4.BTS Electrical & Mechanical Services Pty LtdR930 236.24

5.Michael & Son MaintananceR1 354 080.37

6.Tracklacks ccR322 544.30

7.Big Time Traders cc 101 ccR359 359.54

8.Super Armature Winding Africa Pty LtdR394 721.05

9.Ram Electrical & Civil ContractorsR580 828.45

10.Afrew Power Projects Pty LtdR701 370.18

11.Esahweng Construction SolutionR478 225.00

12.Ariostyle Pty Ltd        R479 680.00

13.RJ Irrigation (Pty) LtdR589 203.30

14.Namgreen Solar SolutionsR431 357.59


RECEIVED BIDS CLOSING 18 September 2015, AT 11H00

NC/DALC/0627: Supply, delivery and install of solar powered pumps at farms in the Steinkoft area 

1.EMC Electrical Reticulation R536 429.85

2.BluepotR492 367.40

3.Elsotouch Pty Ltd        R50 430 168.88

4.Michael & Son MaintananceR1 669 539.57

5.Tracklack ccR363 428.81

6.Big Time Traders 101 ccR396 428.81

7.Super Armature winding SAR463 382.71

8.Ram Electrical R646 137.55

9.Afren Power & ProjectsR745 596.48

10.RJ Irrigation Pty LtdR526 862.14

11.Namgreen Solar SolutionR471 978.38

12.Ariostyle        R577 603.19

13.Uptown Trading 334 ccR1 098 335.00


RECEIVED BIDS CLOSING 18 September 2015, AT 11H00

NC/DALC/0633: Supply and delivery of stock water material at farms in the Nama Khoi Municipal area

1.O  Sedumedi Transport & Projects ccR606 946.86

2.Xoliswa Cheryl Modiko        R475 668.56

3.Qwami Distribution Pty Ltd        R543 940.78

4.K Mothibi Investments Pty LtdR908 585.00

5.Mokiwaga Trading & Projects        R487 471.16

6.The Bright Future 412 (Pty) LtdR471 276.00

7.Thota Tau Trading         R642 179.10

8.Ntlhalosetse Construction & ProjectsNo Price on NCP 1

9.Elsotouch Pty Ltd                R1 195 504.40

10.Anmir Construction & General R381 769.00

11.Amakodi (Pty) Ltd        R492 802.59

12.Diale 417 Pty Ltd                R399 404.87

13.Lesley Lesedi Phasha EnterpriseR704 698.55

14.MTIP Plant Hire Pty Ltd        R593 367.72

15.Mohau & Kamo Trading        R656 314.13

16.Ditlagiso Construction & Projects        R402 243.94

17.Kefentswe & Kabelo Buliding ConstructionR470 068.01

18.MKK Vavi Growth Pty LtdR528 496.95

19.Agri Boer                R290 854.50

20.Infinite Deals 120 Pty Ltd        R496 219.40

21.Big Time Traders 101 ccR397 506.71

22.Bokamoso Projects & Consulting ServiceR3 209 969.82

23.Elsim Projects & Trading Pty Ltd        R994 441.38

24.Uptown Trading 334 ccR1 429 665.00

25.Seitshiro Properties        R426 458.09

26.Phimzoza Trading         R511 961.46

27.RJ Irrigation (Pty) Ltd        R411 660.84

28.Mamameyo’s Construction & ServicesR327 980.16

29.RRRC Construction                                                       R359 068.97



NC/DALC/0635: Supply and delivery stock water material at Farms in the Kamiesberg Municipal area

1.D C Namakwa Konstruksie DiensteR269 635.08

2.RRRC Construction R177 545.04

3.Big Time Traders 101 ccR199 231.87

4.Agri Boer / JV DippenaarR159 734.40

5.Anmir Construction & General R200 459.00

6.Letselebe Transport & TradingR339 590

7.Edoal Construction & AgriR379 375.00

8.Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) R223 935.00

9.Thota Tau TradingR343 618.80

10.Tuliclox (Pty) Ltd R153 864.48

11.Gaborekwe dj Trading & ProjectsR296 290.00

12.Aunty Mieta Construction  & ServicesR449 364.98

13.Mamameyo’s Construction & ServicesR436 012.68 

14.Seitshiro PropertiesR255 559.89

15.RXD Logistics 9R336 590.00

16.Ditlagiso Construction ProjectsR203 401.38

17.Owami Distribution (Pty) LtdR208 286.78

18.Felisi M Projects & Trading Pty LtdR409 156.26

19.Uptown Trading 334 ccR728 694.00

20.Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) LtdR255 130.24

21.MKK VAvi Growth Pty LtdR260 335.78

22.Kefentswe & Kabelo Building ConstructionR269 375.68

23.Diane 417 (Pty) LtdR236 583.91

24.O Sedumedi Transport & Projects ccR378 388.17

25.Elsotouch (Pty) LtdR735 880.00

26.Bokamoso Projects & Consulting ServicesR1 636 358.40

27.Xoliswa Cheryl ModikoR395 704.66

28.RJ Irrigation (Pty) LtdR190 482.60

29.Amakodi (Pty) LtdR475 642.15

30.Blueplat cc        No Price

31.Tue Trusted LogisticsR1 210 200.00

32.Molemogi Construction & Gen SuppliersR418 168.58

33.Buzzine Sound & Stage Pty LtdR397 500.00

34.Oneile LogisticsR398 700

35.Ntlhalosetse Construction & ProjectsNo Price on NCP1

36.The Bright Future 412 Pty LtdR445 968.00

37.Phimzoza Trading        R298 188.66

38.Mokebe Service Providers (Pty) LtdR342 405.33

39.MTIP Plant Hire (Pty) LtdR616 761.66



NC/DALC/0630: Supply and delivery of mobile stock handling facilities at Forest Dale (Silver Streak Trading ) 3km North of Kimberley


1.Letsebe Transport & Trading R286 100.00

2.Munzee Trading & Projects Pty LtdR145 000.00

3.Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) LtdR202 345.00

4.Edoal Construction & AgricultureR470  500.00

5.Gaclatlhe Suppliers & General Trading R195 469.00

6.Thota Tau Trading R285 000.00

7.Sen – Teb Wishbone Supply & EnterpriseR480 000.00

8.Bonja Trading Enterprise ccR440 000.06

9.Letlotlo Growth Investment (Pty) LtdR410 000

10.Stanch Trading (Pty) LtdR490 000

11.Mamameyo’s Construction & Services ccR331 010.00

12.Mamane Electrical & Projects (Pty) LtdR276 540.00

13.Revamp HandymanR244 650.00

14.Phoebelle Enterprises (Pty) LtdR342 253.90

15.Owami Distribution (Pty) LtdR604 571.80

16.Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction R400 191.41

17.Diale 417 Pty Ltd        R469 608.95

18.O Sedumedi Transport & ProjectsR373 616.84

19.Xoliswa Cheryl ModikoR250 050.00

20.RJ Irrigation (Pty) LtdR295 250.00

21.Amakodi (Pty) LtdR317 946.00

22.Molemogi Construction & General Suppliers ccR331 390.00

23.Ntlhalosetse Construction & ProjectsNo Price on NCP 1

24.Agura International Construction & ProjectsNo Price on NCP 1

25.The Bright Future 412 (Pty) Ltd R456 000.00

26.Phimzoza Trading R304 440.00

27.Kes Commercial Farming R309 309.00

28.Mokiwaga Trading & ProjectsR309 245. 40

29.MTIP Plant Hire Pty LtdR431 832.00

30.DRC ConsultantsR234 199.20

31.O Maatla Holdings Pty LtdR265 454.69

32.L Fhehetsana Service in a Group of CompaniesR467 000.00



NC/DALC/0629: Supply, deliver and install powered pumps at farms in the Kommaggas area

1.R J Irrigation (Pty) LtdR476 121.00

2.BlueplatNo Price on NCP 1

3.E M C Electrical ReticulationsR392 264.88

4.Elsotouch (Pty) LtdR16 794 425.73

5.Michael & Son MaintananceR1 228 659.28

6.B T S Electrical & Mechanical Service (Pty) LtdR757 516.54

7.Tracklac ccR264 510.78

8.Big Time Traders 101 ccR244 501.69

9.Super Amarture Winding Africa Pty LtdR331 247.31

10.Afren Power Projects (Pty) LtdR592 762.95

11.Ram Electrical & Civil ContractorsR498 391.20

12.Namgreen Solar SolutionsR351 874.20

13.Esahweng ConstructionsR398 600.00



NC/DALC/0636: Supply and deliver fencing material at farms in the Kamiesberg Municipal area

1.Hyman MasterfenceR97 027.68

2.Moore Blaque Distributions Pty LtdR411 133.84

3.RRRC Construction R419 152.83

4.Letselebe Transport & Trading R197 200

5.DC Namakwa Konstruksie DiensteR126 585.60

6.Lock & Logan Trading (Pty) LtdR71 511.66

7.Anmir Construction & GeneralR68 500.00

8.Goldbell Trading ccR79 045.77

9.Agri – Boer        R50 941.20

10.Big Time Traders 101 ccR71 983.06

11.Sizozama Trading ccR469 843.31

12.Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd LimitedR498 008.00

13.Edoal Construction & Construction R287 700.00

14.Gaolatlhe Suppliers & General Trading R543 618.40

15.Thota Tau Trading R236 436.00

16.Tulix (Pty) LtdR122 140.00

17.GND Cubed        R471 709.20

18.Gabarekwe dj Trading & ProjectsR216 638.00

19.Letlotlo Growth Investment (Pty) LtdR215 104.00

20.Stanch Trading (Pty) LtdR234 560

21.Bonja Trading EnterpriseR213 680.00

22.Blue Bucks Trading (Pty) LtdR2 298 000.00

23.Auntie Mieta General Construction ccR330 527.04

24.Molemogi Construction & General SuppliersR487 257

25.Mohau & Kamo Trading Enterprise (Pty) LtdR962 802.61

26.Seitshiro PropertiesR443 931.04

27.MMB Creators & Events ManagementR207 560.00

28.Ariostyle (Pty) LtdR182 290.00

29.RXD Logistics 9         R571 200

30.DZD Trading & projects 45R618 000.00

31.K Mothibi Investment Pty LtdR629 348.00

32.Ditlagiso Construction & ProjectsR460 530.08

33.Molefane Catering & Suppliers Pty LtdR173 600.00

34.Revamp HandymanR379 100.00

35.Owami Distribution (Pty) LtdR85 669.63

36.Pienkie Consulting Trading & Supplier Pty LtdR618 536

37.5 CHI Enterprise Pty LtdR719 120

38.Uptown Trading 334 ccR447 940.00

39.Elisi M Projects & Trading (Pty) LtdR588 787.20

40.Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) LtdR143 729.19

41.PJM 27 Construction & ProjectsR279 000.00

42.Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction R507 982.47

43.G S Fencing & Construction R131 214

44.Diale 417 (Pty) LtdR141 236.69

45.Elsotouch (Pty) LtdR388 357.44

46.B W Gomez        R98 724.00

47.Xoliswa Cherly ModikoR736 246.28

48.R J Irrigation (Pty) Ltd        R61 582.80

49.Amakodi (Pty) LtdR481 724.00

50.T M Z Events and Markerting ccR149 120.00

51.Tue Trusted LogisticsR618 880.00

52.Ntlhalosetse Construction & ProjectsNo Price on NCP 1

53.Vincent MabethaR206 534.48

54.Agura International Construction & Projects Pty LtdNo Price on NCP 1

55.Phimzoza Trading R539 302.08

56.Mokebe Service Providers (Pty) LtdR215 941.60

57.Mokiwaya Trading & Projects R554 912.00

58.Vuza Construction  & ProjectsR505 854.00

59.MTIP Plant Hire  (Pty) LtdR819 432.00

60.Vusedi Technologies (Pty) LtdR296 114.00

61.L Fhehetsana Service in a Group of CompaniesR268 400

62.Ziduliz Projects Pty Ltd        R206 925.20



NC/DALC/0634: Supply and deliver fencing material at farm in the Nama Khoi Municipal area

1.Hyman MasterfenceR249 108.24

2.Moore Blaque Distribution R206 166.20

3.RRRC ConstructionR234 339.83

4.Letselebe Transport & TradingR292 172

5.D C Namakwa Konstruksie DiensteR261 801.00

6.Ziduliz Projects (Pty) LtdR416 874.92

7.Sisozama Trading ccR163 693.42

8.Procure Hub ccR221 137.20

9.Agri Boer        R175 090.20

10.Goldbell Trading ccR255 255.69

11.Anmir Construction & General R231 900.00

12.Edoal Construction & AgricultureR4 255 750.00

13.Gaolatlhwe Suppliers & General TradingR222 717.46

14.Thota Tau TradingR294 838.20

15.DRC ConsultantsR231 699.05

16.Gaborekwe dj Trading & ProjectsR294 487.93

17.Bonja Trading EnterpriseR274 600

18.Letlotlo Growth Investments (Pty) LtdR267 580.00

19.Stanch TradingR268 770.00

20.Sen Teb Wishbone Supply & EnterpriseR269 000

21.Blue Bucks Trading Pty LtdR335 380.00

22.Auntie Mieta General Construction ccR250 263.36

23.Molemogi Construction & General SuppliersR280 530

24.Mohau & Kamo Trading Enterprise Pty LtdR252 611.00

25.Seitshiro PropertiesR301 269.51

26.Mamane Electrical & Projects (Pty) LtdR295 300.00

27.MMB Creators & Events ManagementR275 960.00

28.Ariostyle (Pty) LtdR132 942.00

29.DZD Trading & Projects 45R769 250.00

30.RXD LogisticsR753 600.00

31.Ditlagiso Construction & ProjectsR260 468.63

32.Revamp HandymanR219 865.00

33.Owami Distribution Pty LtdR260 933.28

34.5CHI Enterprise (Pty) LtdR202 538

35.Pinkwe Consulting Trading & SuppliesR225 124

36.Uptown Trading 334 ccR145 413.00

37.Elsim Projects Trading (Pty) LtdR374 279.10

38.Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) LtdR251 579.79

39.PJM 27 Construction & ProjectsR310 000.00

40.MKK Vavi Growth (Pty) LtdR194 347.33

41.G S Fencing & Construction R201 751.50

42.Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction & MaintananceR238 644.27

43.Diale 417 Pty Ltd        R249 231.53

44.O Sedumedi Transport & Projects ccR268 819.94

45.Elsotouch (Pty) LtdR6 065 423.02

46.B J Enterprises Trading Pty LtdR325 400.00

47.Bokamoso Projects & Consulting ServicesR372 036.00

48.Amakodi (Pty) LtdR191 405.09

49.Tue Trusted LogisticsR472 780.00

50.Mamameyos Construction & ServiceR264 799.00

51.Oneile Logistics        R1 021 900

52.Buzzing Sound & Stage Pty LtdR764 800.00

53.Ntlhalosetse Construction & ProjectsR369 810.00

54.Vincent MabethaR248 965.71

55.Phimzoza Trading        R221 445.00

56.Kes Commercial Farming R230 388.00

57.BlueplatNo Price on NCP 1

58.Mokiwasa Trading & ProjectsR173 428.80

59.MTIP Plant Hire (Pty) LtdR375 128.40

60.LFhehetsana Service in a Group of companiesR370 350

61.Vusedi Technologies Pty LtdR370 610.00



Construction of stock proof fence at Waterfall 40km South of Kimberley

1. The Bright future412 (Pty) Ltd R997 500.00

2. Tsaone Trading JV R756 760.00

3. GND Construction R612 736.71

4. Sebedisan Construction R773 567.11

5. Revamp Handyman R860 000.00

6. Tue Trusted Logistics R298 000.00

7. Lebo Tebo Trading & Projects R592 000.00

8. A.I Hendricks R976 208.00

9. SA Fence & Gate (Pty) Ltd R2 487 217.07

10. Plaatjies Enterprise Pty Ltd R577 011.00

11. Hyman Masterfence R1 097 568.00

12. Lee Dee Trading & Projects R1 536 030.07

13. Derah Trading Enterprise Pty Ltd R327 400.00



Supply, delivery and installation of solar powered pumps at farms

1. EMC Electrical Reticulation R457 676.37

2. Blueplat cc No Price

3. Elsotouch Pty Ltd R29 823 290.40

4. BTS Electrical & Mechanical Services Pty Ltd R930 236.24

5. Michael & Son Maintanance R1 354 080.37

6. Tracklacks cc R322 544.30

7. Big Time Traders cc 101 cc R359 359.54

8. Super Armature Winding Africa Pty Ltd R394 721.05

9. Ram Electrical & Civil Contractors R580 828.45

10. Afrew Power Projects Pty Ltd R701 370.18

11. Esahweng Construction Solution R478 225.00

12. Ariostyle Pty Ltd R479 680.00

13. RJ Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R589 203.30

14. Namgreen Solar Solutions R431 357.59


RECEIVED BIDS CLOSING 18 September 2015, AT 11H00 NC/DALC/0627:

Supply, delivery and install of solar powered pumps at farms in the Steinkoft area

1. EMC Electrical Reticulation R536 429.85

2. Bluepot R492 367.40

3. Elsotouch Pty Ltd R50 430 168.88

4. Michael & Son Maintanance R1 669 539.57

5. Tracklack cc R363 428.81

6. Big Time Traders 101 cc R396 428.81

7. Super Armature winding SA R463 382.71

8. Ram Electrical R646 137.55

9. Afren Power & Projects R745 596.48

10. RJ Irrigation Pty Ltd R526 862.14

11. Namgreen Solar Solution R471 978.38

12. Ariostyle R577 603.19

13. Uptown Trading 334 cc R1 098 335.00


RECEIVED BIDS CLOSING 18 September 2015, AT 11H00 NC/DALC/0633:

Supply and delivery of stock water material at farms in the Nama Khoi Municipal area

1. O Sedumedi Transport & Projects cc R606 946.86

2. Xoliswa Cheryl Modiko R475 668.56

3. Qwami Distribution Pty Ltd R543 940.78

4. K Mothibi Investments Pty Ltd R908 585.00

5. Mokiwaga Trading & Projects R487 471.16

6. The Bright Future 412 (Pty) Ltd R471 276.00

7. Thota Tau Trading R642 179.10

8. Ntlhalosetse Construction & Projects No Price on NCP 1

9. Elsotouch Pty Ltd R1 195 504.40

10. Anmir Construction & General R381 769.00

11. Amakodi (Pty) Ltd R492 802.59

12. Diale 417 Pty Ltd R399 404.87

13. Lesley Lesedi Phasha Enterprise R704 698.55

14. MTIP Plant Hire Pty Ltd R593 367.72

15. Mohau & Kamo Trading R656 314.13

16. Ditlagiso Construction & Projects R402 243.94

17. Kefentswe & Kabelo Buliding Construction R470 068.01

18. MKK Vavi Growth Pty Ltd R528 496.95

19. Agri Boer R290 854.50 20. Infinite Deals 1

20 Pty Ltd R496 219.40

21. Big Time Traders 101 cc R397 506.71

22. Bokamoso Projects & Consulting Service R3 209 969.82

23. Elsim Projects & Trading Pty Ltd R994 441.38

24. Uptown Trading 334 cc R1 429 665.00

25. Seitshiro Properties R426 458.09

26. Phimzoza Trading R511 961.46

27. RJ Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R411 660.84

28. Mamameyo’s Construction & Services R327 980.16

29. RRRC Construction R359 068.97



Supply and delivery stock water material at Farms in the Kamiesberg Municipal area

1. D C Namakwa Konstruksie Dienste R269 635.08

2. RRRC Construction R177 545.04

3. Big Time Traders 101 cc R199 231.87

4. Agri Boer / JV Dippenaar R159 734.40

5. Anmir Construction & General R200 459.00

6. Letselebe Transport & Trading R339 590

7. Edoal Construction & Agri R379 375.00

8. Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) R223 935.00

9. Thota Tau Trading R343 618.80

10. Tuliclox (Pty) Ltd R153 864.48

11. Gaborekwe dj Trading & Projects R296 290.00

12. Aunty Mieta Construction & Services R449 364.98

13. Mamameyo’s Construction & Services R436 012.68

14. Seitshiro Properties R255 559.89

15. RXD Logistics 9 R336 590.00

16. Ditlagiso Construction Projects R203 401.38

17. Owami Distribution (Pty) Ltd R208 286.78

18. Felisi M Projects & Trading Pty Ltd R409 156.26

19. Uptown Trading 334 cc R728 694.00

20. Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) Ltd R255 130.24

21. MKK VAvi Growth Pty Ltd R260 335.78

22. Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction R269 375.68

23. Diane 417 (Pty) Ltd R236 583.91

24. O Sedumedi Transport & Projects cc R378 388.17

25. Elsotouch (Pty) Ltd R735 880.00

26. Bokamoso Projects & Consulting Services R1 636 358.40

27. Xoliswa Cheryl Modiko R395 704.66

28. RJ Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R190 482.60

29. Amakodi (Pty) Ltd R475 642.15

30. Blueplat cc No Price

31. Tue Trusted Logistics R1 210 200.00

32. Molemogi Construction & Gen Suppliers R418 168.58

33. Buzzine Sound & Stage Pty Ltd R397 500.00

34. Oneile Logistics R398 700

35. Ntlhalosetse Construction & Projects No Price on NCP1

36. The Bright Future 412 Pty Ltd R445 968.00

37. Phimzoza Trading R298 188.66

38. Mokebe Service Providers (Pty) Ltd R342 405.33

39. MTIP Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd R616 761.66



Supply and delivery of mobile stock handling facilities at Forest Dale (Silver Streak Trading ) 3km North of Kimberley

1. Letsebe Transport & Trading R286 100.00

2. Munzee Trading & Projects Pty Ltd R145 000.00

3. Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd R202 345.00

4. Edoal Construction & Agriculture R470 500.00

5. Gaclatlhe Suppliers & General Trading R195 469.00

6. Thota Tau Trading R285 000.00

7. Sen – Teb Wishbone Supply & Enterprise R480 000.00

8. Bonja Trading Enterprise cc R440 000.06

9. Letlotlo Growth Investment (Pty) Ltd R410 000

10. Stanch Trading (Pty) Ltd R490 000

11. Mamameyo’s Construction & Services cc R331 010.00

12. Mamane Electrical & Projects (Pty) Ltd R276 540.00

13. Revamp Handyman R244 650.00

14. Phoebelle Enterprises (Pty) Ltd R342 253.90

15. Owami Distribution (Pty) Ltd R604 571.80

16. Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction R400 191.41

17. Diale 417 Pty Ltd R469 608.95

18. O Sedumedi Transport & Projects R373 616.84

19. Xoliswa Cheryl Modiko R250 050.00

20. RJ Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R295 250.00

21. Amakodi (Pty) Ltd R317 946.00

22. Molemogi Construction & General Suppliers cc R331 390.00

23. Ntlhalosetse Construction & Projects No Price on NCP 1

24. Agura International Construction & Projects No Price on NCP 1

25. The Bright Future 412 (Pty) Ltd R456 000.00

26. Phimzoza Trading R304 440.00

27. Kes Commercial Farming R309 309.00

28. Mokiwaga Trading & Projects R309 245. 40

29. MTIP Plant Hire Pty Ltd R431 832.00

30. DRC Consultants R234 199.20

31. O Maatla Holdings Pty Ltd R265 454.69

32. L Fhehetsana Service in a Group of Companies R467 000.00



Supply, deliver and install powered pumps at farms in the Kommaggas area

1. R J Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R476 121.00

2. Blueplat No Price on NCP 1

3. E M C Electrical Reticulations R392 264.88

4. Elsotouch (Pty) Ltd R16 794 425.73

5. Michael & Son Maintanance R1 228 659.28

6. B T S Electrical & Mechanical Service (Pty) Ltd R757 516.54

7. Tracklac cc R264 510.78

8. Big Time Traders 101 cc R244 501.69

9. Super Amarture Winding Africa Pty Ltd R331 247.31

10. Afren Power Projects (Pty) Ltd R592 762.95

11. Ram Electrical & Civil Contractors R498 391.20

12. Namgreen Solar Solutions R351 874.20

13. Esahweng Constructions R398 600.00



Supply and deliver fencing material at farms in the Kamiesberg Municipal area

1. Hyman Masterfence R97 027.68

2. Moore Blaque Distributions Pty Ltd R411 133.84

3. RRRC Construction R419 152.83

4. Letselebe Transport & Trading R197 200

5. DC Namakwa Konstruksie Dienste R126 585.60

6. Lock & Logan Trading (Pty) Ltd R71 511.66

7. Anmir Construction & General R68 500.00

8. Goldbell Trading cc R79 045.77

9. Agri – Boer R50 941.20

10. Big Time Traders 101 cc R71 983.06

11. Sizozama Trading cc R469 843.31

12. Derah Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd Limited R498 008.00

13. Edoal Construction & Construction R287 700.00

14. Gaolatlhe Suppliers & General Trading R543 618.40

15. Thota Tau Trading R236 436.00

16. Tulix (Pty) Ltd R122 140.00

17. GND Cubed R471 709.20

18. Gabarekwe dj Trading & Projects R216 638.00

19. Letlotlo Growth Investment (Pty) Ltd R215 104.00

20. Stanch Trading (Pty) Ltd R234 560

21. Bonja Trading Enterprise R213 680.00

22. Blue Bucks Trading (Pty) Ltd R2 298 000.00

23. Auntie Mieta General Construction cc R330 527.04

24. Molemogi Construction & General Suppliers R487 257

25. Mohau & Kamo Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd R962 802.61

26. Seitshiro Properties R443 931.04

27. MMB Creators & Events Management R207 560.00

28. Ariostyle (Pty) Ltd R182 290.00

29. RXD Logistics 9 R571 200

30. DZD Trading & projects 45 R618 000.00

31. K Mothibi Investment Pty Ltd R629 348.00

32. Ditlagiso Construction & Projects R460 530.08

33. Molefane Catering & Suppliers Pty Ltd R173 600.00

34. Revamp Handyman R379 100.00

35. Owami Distribution (Pty) Ltd R85 669.63

36. Pienkie Consulting Trading & Supplier Pty Ltd R618 536

37. 5 CHI Enterprise Pty Ltd R719 120

38. Uptown Trading 334 cc R447 940.00

39. Elisi M Projects & Trading (Pty) Ltd R588 787.20

40. Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) Ltd R143 729.19

41. PJM 27 Construction & Projects R279 000.00

42. Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction R507 982.47

43. G S Fencing & Construction R131 214

44. Diale 417 (Pty) Ltd R141 236.69

45. Elsotouch (Pty) Ltd R388 357.44

46. B W Gomez R98 724.00

47. Xoliswa Cherly Modiko R736 246.28

48. R J Irrigation (Pty) Ltd R61 582.80

49. Amakodi (Pty) Ltd R481 724.00

50. T M Z Events and Markerting cc R149 120.00

51. Tue Trusted Logistics R618 880.00

52. Ntlhalosetse Construction & Projects No Price on NCP 1

53. Vincent Mabetha R206 534.48

54. Agura International Construction & Projects Pty Ltd No Price on NCP 1

55. Phimzoza Trading R539 302.08

56. Mokebe Service Providers (Pty) Ltd R215 941.60

57. Mokiwaya Trading & Projects R554 912.00

58. Vuza Construction & Projects R505 854.00

59. MTIP Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd R819 432.00

60. Vusedi Technologies (Pty) Ltd R296 114.00

61. L Fhehetsana Service in a Group of Companies R268 400

62. Ziduliz Projects Pty Ltd R206 925.20



Supply and deliver fencing material at farm in the Nama Khoi Municipal area

1. Hyman Masterfence R249 108.24

2. Moore Blaque Distribution R206 166.20

3. RRRC Construction R234 339.83

4. Letselebe Transport & Trading R292 172

5. D C Namakwa Konstruksie Dienste R261 801.00

6. Ziduliz Projects (Pty) Ltd R416 874.92

7. Sisozama Trading cc R163 693.42

8. Procure Hub cc R221 137.20

9. Agri Boer R175 090.20

10. Goldbell Trading cc R255 255.69

11. Anmir Construction & General R231 900.00

12. Edoal Construction & Agriculture R4 255 750.00

13. Gaolatlhwe Suppliers & General Trading R222 717.46

14. Thota Tau Trading R294 838.20

15. DRC Consultants R231 699.05

16. Gaborekwe dj Trading & Projects R294 487.93

17. Bonja Trading Enterprise R274 600

18. Letlotlo Growth Investments (Pty) Ltd R267 580.00

19. Stanch Trading R268 770.00

20. Sen Teb Wishbone Supply & Enterprise R269 000

21. Blue Bucks Trading Pty Ltd R335 380.00

22. Auntie Mieta General Construction cc R250 263.36

23. Molemogi Construction & General Suppliers R280 530

24. Mohau & Kamo Trading Enterprise Pty Ltd R252 611.00

25. Seitshiro Properties R301 269.51

26. Mamane Electrical & Projects (Pty) Ltd R295 300.00

27. MMB Creators & Events Management R275 960.00

28. Ariostyle (Pty) Ltd R132 942.00

29. DZD Trading & Projects 45 R769 250.00

30. RXD Logistics R753 600.00

31. Ditlagiso Construction & Projects R260 468.63

32. Revamp Handyman R219 865.00

33. Owami Distribution Pty Ltd R260 933.28

34. 5CHI Enterprise (Pty) Ltd R202 538

35. Pinkwe Consulting Trading & Supplies R225 124

36. Uptown Trading 334 cc R145 413.00

37. Elsim Projects Trading (Pty) Ltd R374 279.10

38. Infinite Deals 120 (Pty) Ltd R251 579.79

39. PJM 27 Construction & Projects R310 000.00

40. MKK Vavi Growth (Pty) Ltd R194 347.33

41. G S Fencing & Construction R201 751.50

42. Kefentswe & Kabelo Building Construction & Maintanance R238 644.27

43. Diale 417 Pty Ltd R249 231.53

44. O Sedumedi Transport & Projects cc R268 819.94

45. Elsotouch (Pty) Ltd R6 065 423.02

46. B J Enterprises Trading Pty Ltd R325 400.00

47. Bokamoso Projects & Consulting Services R372 036.00

48. Amakodi (Pty) Ltd R191 405.09

49. Tue Trusted Logistics R472 780.00

50. Mamameyos Construction & Service R264 799.00

51. Oneile Logistics R1 021 900

52. Buzzing Sound & Stage Pty Ltd R764 800.00

53. Ntlhalosetse Construction & Projects R369 810.00

54. Vincent Mabetha R248 965.71

55. Phimzoza Trading R221 445.00

56. Kes Commercial Farming R230 388.00

57. Blueplat No Price on NCP 1

58. Mokiwasa Trading & Projects R173 428.80

59. MTIP Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd R375 128.40

60. LFhehetsana Service in a Group of companies R370 350

61. Vusedi Technologies Pty Ltd R370 610.00






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