Managers Communications Services and ICT

Mr Thebe Thebe

Ms Kholiwe Mlambo
Title and Name

Tel:053 802 5618/30
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./

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Communications and ICT assists management and employees to coordinate their activities inorder to ensure that the entire department is marching towards common same strategic goals using.
It is also how the organisation informs the media, and the general public about important organizational developments using various platforms.


To provide information technology support, internal and external communications of the department through various platforms to all stakeholders


Corporate Identity

Media Liason

Events Management

Graphic Design

Web Services

Internal and External Communications

Presidential Hotline Enquiries




Manages the image of the department

Linking stakeholders to the organisation.

Communication informs and educates communities and aims to overcome the barriers of language and personal contact









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