Title and Name


Mrs Lillian Senosi

Tel:082 553 6648
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Agricultural Producer Support and Development (APSD) Programme supports both smallholder and commercial farmers in the Northern Cape. This support is to enhance land reform programmes through institutional capacity building.The budget will be utilised to build the capacity of the historically disadvantaged communities and individuals from the land reform programmes.


To provide producer support services for sustainable agricultural development in line with the National Policy on Comprehensive Producer Development Support.


To support the Department with project implementation and state farm management.


To ensure sustainable support for emerging and established farmers (including land reform beneficiaries).
To measure the impact of interventions delivered by the programme.
To leverage investment .
To ensure quality and standards of service
To advice farmers.
The integration of services offered by the public service and local government with the implementation of food gardens for communities and households.
To facilitate skills development for qualifying farmers.





© 2025 Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform

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