NO:5.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALO/1449:Venue and Catering for SDF Meeting on 21-23 November 2018 for 75 officials.Fund:Voted Funds.Project:No Project 80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Ms B Julius 053 838 9102
NO:5.1.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALFS/0007:Supply and Delivery of Two Store Houses materials at Seokama Agric office (Kuruman).Fund:Food Security(WARD) Project:Food Security.80/20.
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018 This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr T Moepeng 082 560 8336
NO:5.2.TASK/ITEM: NC/ DALQ/1744:Rendering of Mapping Services and Drafting of a Rehabilitation Plan at John Taolo Gaetsewe District (Northern Cape Province).Fund:Landcare.Project:JTG Wetlands Rehabilitation.80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr K Ditlhoisho 082 559 2264/053 839 7852
NO:5.3.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/1747:Supply, Delivery and Construction of Stock Water Systems and Repair of 4 Windmill Pumps at Paaiskloof Farm, Ulco Fund:Casp.Project:Frances Baard Livestock Infrastructure.80/20.CIDB:2CE OR HIGHER.
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:26 November 2018 A Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representative of the Employer will take place at Koopmanfontein Research Station starting at 10H00am On 19 November 2018.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%). PERSON
RESPONSIBLE:Mr M Mocwiri 0825590827
NO:5.4.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/1759:On Site Calibration and Servicing of Laboratory Equipment as in Bill of Quantities.Fund:Casp Project:No Project.80/20 DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018 PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Ms K Makaudi 087 630 0349
NO:5.5.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALQ/1762:Blasting of Rocks at Blocuso Trust.Fund:Illima Letsema Programme.Projec:Blocuso Trust Vineyard Project 80/20.
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018 A Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representative of the Employer will take place at Blocuse Office on 12 November 2018 starting at 10H00am.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr Vinal Coetzee 0825608990 /Mr Pieter du Plessis 082929444
NO:5.6.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALQ/1763:Venue and Catering for Scientific Meeting on 05-06 December 2018 for 80 Officials in Upington Fund:Voted Funds.Project: 80/20.
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:15 November 2018
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mrs W Venter 0835458479