NO:5.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/ 1855:Supply and Delivery of Food Garden Starter Packs at Department of Agriculture Office 5-7 Elliot Street, Kimberley.
Fund:Land Care.Project:NC Junior Land Care .80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:11 September 2019.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT 4.(1) If an organ of state decides to apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance certain designated groups,that organ of state must advertise the tender with a specific tendering condition that only one or more of the following tenderers may respond.
1.An EME OR QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people who are women.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Ms M Van As 082 554 7011
NO:5.1TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALFS/0015:Supply and Construction of Windmills and Storage Tanks at Masankong and Maipeing Food Gardens Fund:Food Security Project:JTG Food Security.80/20.CIDB:2CE OR HIGHER
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:13 September 2019.A Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Employer will take place at Maipeing Village, on 09 September 2019 starting at 10H00am.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction. Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT 4.(1) If an organ of state decides to apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance certain designated groups, that organ of state must advertise the tender with a specific tendering condition that only one or more of the following tenderers may respond.
1. An EME OR QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people who are women.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Ms E. Molaolwe 082 559 2221
NO:5.2TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/1857:Installation of A Stock Water System at Dawid Kruiper Farms Development Fund:CASP Project:Dawid Kruiper Farms Development.80/20.CIDB:2CE OR 2ME OR HIGHER DISCUSSION:Closing Date:16 September 2019.A Compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development, Water Affairs Building, Louisvale Road Upington on 06 September 2019 starting at 10h00.
This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction. Threshold for Local Content : (Steel 100%).
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr W. De Waal 081 040 6008
NO:5.3TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/1847: Sighting, Drilling and Testing of 2 Boreholes at Noupoort Fund:CASP Project:Kai! Gariep Livestock Infrastructure.80/20.CIDB:2CE OR 2ME
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:16 September 2019.A Compulsory clarification meeting with representatives of the Employer will take place at Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development, Water Affairs Building, Louisvale Road Upington on 05 September 2019 starting at 11h00.
This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017. Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr L Kock 060 428 0657
NO:5.4TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALFS/0014:Supply and Delivery of Food Garden Tools Fund:Food Security Project:ZFM Vegetable Projects.80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:16 September 2019.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT 4.(1) If an organ of state decides to apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance certain designated groups, that organ of state must advertise the tender with a specific tendering condition that only one or more of the following tenderers may respond.
1. An EME OR QSE which is at least 51% owned by Black People who are Youth.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Ms K. Segotsane 084 322 1013
NO:5.5TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALO/1462:Supply and Delivery of Two Cattle Trailers at Vaalharts Research Station Fund:Voted Project:No Project.80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:11 September 2019.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT 4.(1) If an organ of state decides to apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance certain designated groups, that organ of state must advertise the tender with a specific tendering condition that only one or more of the following tenderers may respond.
1. An EME OR QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people who are women.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE:Mr J. Roux 071 860 7550