5.1.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALLET/0240:Maintenance and Cleaning of Sub-Surface Drainage Systems at Farm 5J14 and 5H16.Fund:Illima Letsema.Project:Vaalharts Revitalization Project 80/20 CIDB 1CE OR HIGHER
Discussion:Closing Date:06 November 2019.Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Employer will take place at Vaalharts Research Station, Board Room, Warrenton Road 01 November 2019 Starting at 10H00am.
This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017. Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%)
Responsible Person:Mr W de Bruyn 083 282 0386
5.2.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALFS/0024:Supply, Delivery and Construction of Broiler house at 6 Karee Street in Barkley-West.Fund:Food Security Project:Food Security 80/20 CIDB 1GB OR 1CE
Discussion:Closing Date:06 November 2019.Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Employer will take place at 5-7 Elliot Street Office in Kimberley, Department of Agriculture 01 November 2019 Starting at 10H00am.
This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017. Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%)
Responsible Person:Mr Mocwiri 082 559 0827