NO:5:NC/ DALFS/0013:Supply and Delivery of Food Garden Starter Packs at the Department of Agriculture Offices (Dept. of Water Affairs Building, Louisvale Road, Upington) Fund:Food Security.Project:ZF Mgcawu Food Garden Starter Packs 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:29 July 2019.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%)


Person Responsible:Ms K. Segotsane 084 322 1023

NO:5.1.TASK/ITEM: NC/DALQ/1813:Sighting and Drilling of (One) 1 Borehole at Bothitong (120km from Kuruman).Fund:LandCare.Project:Bothitong Veld Care 80/20 CIDB:2CE OR HIGHER

Discussion:Closing Date:25 July 2019.A Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Employer will take place at Danoon Intersection Bothitong Town, JTG Region on 16 July 2019 Starting at 10H00am.

This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).

Responsible Person:Mr Mei 082 550 5977

NO:5.2.TASK/ITEM: NC/ DALQ/ 1816:Testing of Boreholes.Fund:CASP.Project:Namakwa Livestock Farms 80/20.CIDB:1CE OR 1ME OR HIGHER

Discussion:Closing Date:29 JULY 2019

Person Responsible:Mr A. Cloete 083 561 6643

NO:5.3.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALQ/1815:Testing of Boreholes.Fund:CASP.Project:Namakwa Livestock Farms 80/20.CIDB 1CE OR 1ME OR HIGHER

Discussion:Closing Date:29 July 2019 Responsible Person:Mr A. Cloete 083 561 6643 NO:5.4.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALFS/0012:Supply, Delivery and Assembling of 2half Tier Starter Laying Cages (40 Bird Capacity) for Frances Baard Layer Production-Balelapa Fund:Food Security.Project:Frances Baard Layer Production Balelapa 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:24 July 2019.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%)

Person Responsible:Mr Malebogo Mocwiri 082 559 0827

NO:5.5.TASK/ITEM:NC/ DALQ/1817:Venue and Catering for Rabies Scientific Meeting which will be held on 26 September 2019. Fund:Voted Funds.Project:No Project 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:24 July 2019

Person Responsible:Ms Wanda Venter 083 838 9170

NO:5.6.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALQ/1797:Supply and Delivery of Mobile Handling Fafilities at Dawid Kruiper Farms Development Fund:CASP.Project:Dawid Kruiper Farms Development 80/20 Discussion:Closing Date:29 July 2019.

This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017.Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction.Threshold for Local Content:(Steel 100%).

Person Responsible:Mr W. De Waal 081 040 6008

NO:5.7.TASK/ITEM:NC/DALL/0165:Supply and Delivery of 5000kg (200 x 25kg) of Active Ingredient Tebuthuiron Registered for Bush Control of Acacia Mellifera at Mirinda Veldcare Project (Dawid Kruiper) Fund:Landcare.Project:Miranda Veldcare Project 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:29 July 2019

Person Responsible:Ms K. Segotsane 084 322 1013

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