TASK ITEM:5.1 NC/ DALO/1475:Supply, Delivery and Installation of a Biometric Access Control at Head Office,162 George Street Kimberley.Fund:Voted, Project:No Project 80/20
DISCUSSION:Closing Date:18 February 2020.A Compulsory Clarification Meeting with Representatives of the Employer will take place at Head Office 162 George Street Kimberley,10 Hospital Street Springbok on 12 February 2020 starting at 10H00am.
This bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017. Invitation and Evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction. Local Content Thresholds Cables 90%
RESPONSIBLE PERSON:Mr Aobakwe Mokgweetsi 073 813 2636