About 325 grade 5,6,7 learners at both Gaegake and Maruping Primary Schools in John Taolo Gaetsewe District were spoiled for choice when the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform's official presented a puppet show as part of celebrating World Wetlands Day.
The three officials puppet show was to educate leaners at both schools about the importance of caring for Wetlands and how they can keep them clean. World Wetlands Day is celebrated on the 2nd of February annually to highlight the challenges of human interference and the poor management of Wetlands. It also seeks to raise awareness about the vital role of Wetlands for people and planet. Areas of Maruping and Batlaros are some of the places in the John Taolo District where they have Wetlands and must be taken careof. Learners were encouraged to take care of Wetlands as they play an Integral part to human beings, animals and plants.
The show emphasised on the following:
Learners to stop littering and polluting Wetlands.
Not to use Wetlands as dumping sites for waste.
Not to destroy wetlands as they contribute to both human beings, plants and animals.
to play their part in preventing further loss. Salvage what is left for future.
Take ownership and pride themselves in this Wetlands by keeping them clean.
That Wetlands are home to both plants and animals as about 40% of world species (plants and animals) lives in Wetlands.
Various Primary Schools are expected to be be visited by the Department's officials as part of educating learners about the significant of Wetlands to our lives, animals and plants.This year's team is "Wetlands Action For People and Nature" while the slogan is "Value-Manage-Restore-Love". Learners enjoyed the show as it was a good practical example to them.