Department hosts Women in Conservation
The Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development, together with key stakeholders and NGOs successfully convened the Annual National Response Strategy and Action Plan on the illegal poaching of endangered fauna and flora succulents, in Springbok - Namakwa District- on the 15th of May 2023.
The two-day workshop was purposely organised to raise awareness on the illegal trade in South African succulents, to ensure the prevention of extinction due to contributing pressures from ongoing illegal and unsustainable harvesting of South African plants.
It also seeks to ensure continued collaboration with the community and key role-players, to advance the implementation of the strategy along with other existing tasks to help combat the illegal trade in South African flora.
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Mr Thabang Sibhono, COO of the Department acknowledged the work of the diverse network of key stakeholders including NGOs, in addressing and ensuring the long-term survival of the Province ’s rich succulents.
Meanwhile, Mr Karel Du Toit from the South Africa Police Service (SAPS) from Springbok Stock Theft and Endangered Species Unit, highlighted the state of poaching in the Province and the increasing number of plants seized per annum. He also challenged the review of the permitting systems to combat the rising volumes of confiscated plant material.
The workshop delivered on its objectives and helped in developing community input and support to address the challenges of poaching in the region. It also introduced and reiterated relevant key actions identified in the National Response Strategy to responsible authorities.
Through the workshop relevant authorities were able to identify and re-establish the importance of educating and improving awareness to communities on biodiversity.