28 February 2024
Dept Parners with NC Farmer Academy to host Agro-Processing Training for Farmers
In a collaborative effort with the Northern Cape Farmer Academy, the Department has, today, launched a 3-day training workshop tailored for provincial farmers and stakeholders. The workshop kicked off at Zingisa School, in Galeshewe, Kimberley.
The core focus of this training is Agro-Processing. Its overarching objective is to equip farmers with a profound understanding of the significance of agro-processing. By imparting this knowledge, the workshop seeks to empower farmers, not only to navigate the intricacies of the process but also to leverage it strategically. The ultimate goal is to catalyze the augmentation of employment opportunities, elevate the landscape of rural development, and infuse value into raw materials within the agricultural sector.
As the training unfolds over the next two days, a promise of significant value looms in the air for all participating farmers and stakeholders. The syllabus is crafted to address the practical needs and challenges faced by those engaged in agriculture within the province.
The department keenly acknowledges the pivotal role of equipped and informed provincial farmers and stakeholders in the advancement of agriculture and overall growth in our province. Fostering an environment conducive to agricultural prosperity, and ensuring a trajectory of sustainable development for the benefit of all involved parties is key.