Task Item:5.1:NC/DALFS/0024:Supply and Delivery of Food Garden Starter Packs for Farmer Support Unit, at Elliot Street in Kimberley Project:Food Security,Fund:Voted 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:28 February 2020.This Bid is advertised in terms of the National Treasury Designated Sectors Instruction Number 15 of 2016/2017. Invitation and evaluation of bids based on a stipulated minimum threshold of conversion processes for local production and content for steel products and components for construction. Threshold for Local Content Steel (100%),Plastic (100%).

Pre-qualification criteria for preferential procurement

4.(1) If an organ of state decides to apply pre-qualifying criteria to advance certain designated groups, that organ of state must advertise the tender with a specific tendering condition that only one or more of the following tenderers may respond- An EME or QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people who are Military veterans.

Person Responsible:Mrs B.J Mkosana 082 556 3747

Task Item:5.1:NC/DALQ/1835:Supply and Delivery of Promotional Material for Junior Land Care Project. Project:N.C Junior Land Care,Fund:Land Care 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:19 February 2020

Person Responsible:Ms M van As 082 554 7011

Task Item:5.2:NA/DALQ/1842:Rendering of a 3 Star Graded Accommodation in Pretoria for Farmers and Officials of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, Rural Development and Nature Conservation. Project:Vula-Vula,Fund:Land Care 80/20

Discussion:Closing Date:19 February 2020

Person Responsible:Ms M van As 082 554 7011

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